NOAH’S ARK (2014)

Noah's Ark

Currently, much to my surprise, the brand new movie, Noah’s Ark 2014, is available to view on YouTube. I watched it a couple of weeks or so ago. I was extremely disappointed by it as it was not only ridiculously dumb as it was not at all scriptural, but it made God out to be some kind of an incompetent fool Who didn’t know what He was doing and had regrets over His decision. I could not recommend this movie to anyone. Those responsible for its creation will answer to God for what they have done. God will not be mocked. Whatever a man sows he will also reap! (Galatians 6:7)  It was bad enough that they smeared the good character of Noah and his family, but to portray God as a fool is simply intolerable. I could not help but wonder if whoever wrote this script was on drugs.

I was just thinking … Noah’s Ark was built by amateurs while the Titanic was built by professionals. The major difference was that the builders of the ark didn’t mock God. The builders of the Titanic made the boast that even God could not sink the Titanic. Having spent 8 years serving in the U.S. Navy aboard a total of 7 ships and one large boat (some very short term and one pier-side no longer used for going out to sea) I know what it is like to sail the ocean waters as well as Lake Michigan. The dimensions God gave to Noah for the ark were later discovered by man to be the most stable ship design.

A full-size Noah’s Ark will be built in Kentucky biblical park. Builders of a Noah’s Ark in Northern Kentucky put faith, painstaking detail into $50 million tourism project. And it’s to be big. Five hundred and fifty feet long, 85 feet wide and 51 feet high. You can read about it here as well as view a video.

As I have spent a few hours looking thru websites, YouTube videos, etc. looking for ark related stuff to share here I found a whole lot of very critical commentaries, etc. of people who reject the biblical account of Noah’s Ark and the global flood. I guess that doesn’t surprise me, but it does sadden me. We are living in the End Times and God has said that people will be the same as they were back in Noah’s day. They laughed at Noah and his family and rejected the warnings. When the water level got deep enough they finally realized too late that there must be something to all this. Only 8 people were spared. They were safe in the ark. Everyone else drowned. Jesus Christ is the “ark” of salvation and only means of escaping what is coming upon the earth … when God pours out His wrath upon sinful mankind. Only those who are in this ark will be spared.

What will you do with Jesus?

About Steve Newbauer

I have a few current blogs (tadpolerider1, navysight, truthtoponder and stevesmixedbag) so I am keeping busy. I hope you the reader will find these blogs interesting and enjoy your time here. Feel free to email me at tadpolerider2 at gmail dot com (

Posted on May 20, 2014, in truth to ponder and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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